Is being spent in the hospital.
Seren's breathing got worse and worse as the evening went on and she wasn't sleeping so we decided to take her to the
hospital. She was given
Ventolin 3 times in an hour which seemed to help
considerably and she didn't seem to be struggling so much to breath. Her oxygen levels were low so she was put on oxygen with bandages wrapped around her hands to stop her from pulling it out of her nose (my determined little girl still succeeded mind you). She was also given cream on various points of her body to numb the area
in case she needed an IV as she was a little dehydrated.
She remained on Ventolin hourly and managed to have little cat naps in my arms which meant that I didn't really get any sleep. As of midday when I have been relieved by Glen so I can come home and get some sleep she now seems to be
managing OK with the oxygen turned off and has gone 3 hours without Ventolin.
Looks like we wont be flying for a few more days, hopefully Sunday. Fingers crossed she can come home this evening though as the nights are very long in that place.