Tieve really likes seeing animals, just as long as she is safely behind a barrier, being held by a trusted adult and is not expected to put a hand any where near them. None the less, she seemed to really enjoy her trip to Hatton Country World today. There were sheep, goats, mice, turkeys, pigs, guinea pigs and even a reindeer. She had her first jump on a jumping castle, conned Mummy into getting very dizzy on the swans and tea cups, panned for gold, milked a pretend cow and slid down a giant blow up slide. Daddy then took her for a ride on the mini tractors and Cousin Becky played in the sand with her.

All the while, Seren sat patiently in the push chair waiting for her go. And then she was finally free and quickly started samlping the local grass.

The perfect day with perfect weather was finished off in the perfect way with an icecream!!!! And then crashed in the car.

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